In order for Teltonika trackers to receive GNSS signal and connect to the fleet management platform, it will be necessary to previously indicate the APN of the SIM card they use.
First, the tracker must be connected to the PC. This can be done in two ways:
1) Via USB: to do so, it will be necessary to install the "Teltonika USB communication driver", which can be downloaded from the following link (
2)Via Bluetooth: the device with the name "FMx_last_7_digits_of_IMEI", without LE at the end, must be paired with the PC using the PIN 5555.
After that, download the Teltonika Configurator software (it can be found in the download section of the product) corresponding to the model in question and select the tracker.
In the GPRS --> GPRS Settings tab the APN, APN Username and APN Password will be specified:
For Wuarda SIM cards, the data are as follows:
APN Username: (is left blank)
APN Password: (is left blank)
Finally, click on the "Save to device" button to save the changes to the device.