To view a video, the basic RTSP string we have to use is:
rtsp://<dir_ip>:<port>/Streaming/Channels/<id of the channel>
If the Port is 554 by default, there is no need to set it.
In the case of a camera, there is only one channel, so we will always put 1. But in the case of a recorder, we can indicate the channel from which we are interested in extracting the flow.
If we indicate the username and password in the string, it will not be necessary to enter these when the system asks:
If we also want to indicate the type of flow we want to use, we usually have up to 2 options in Safire. The first will be the main (higher quality) flow and the second will be the secondary (faster but lower quality) flow.
The flow is indicated just behind the channel ID by adding 01 for the main flow and 02 for the secondary flow.
Example to open opens channel 2 with the main stream:
<font color=#38B0DE>-=rtsp://admin:12345@ Proudly Presents
To open channel 2 with the secondary stream
Remember that RTSP strings are usually played through web plugins or a program like VLC for pc/mac.