To create a domain at Safire Services we must first have access to the platform, and then access the SAFIRE DNS.
Next, we'll go to the option of creating a new domain:
Then we will have to fill in some information so that the domain is created correctly and then configured to a recorder or an IP camera.
1st Point - Zone: We must choose the zone, by default the Safire DNS Service comes with 2 zones, and, however we have the option to create new zones from one of the 2 zones.
2º Point - Domain name: Basically it is the field where we are going to introduce the domain name, for example the name of the client's company; we could configure in the field of the Domain name the name "for example" and choosing the zone it would be:
3rd point - Group: In this field we have the option to choose a group to be able to save the domain in it, with the aim of better organizing the various domains. For example, we could create groups naming them as the cardinal points and then locate the domain in their particular group depending on the geographical area in which it is located in Spain. Clearly this part of the procedure is optional
4th Point - Username: Here we must enter a user, this user has no link to access the Safire Services, is the user of our domain, which the recorder or IP camera will use to connect to the domain.
5th Point - Password: In this field we will define a password for our user.
6th Point - IPv4: Here we must enter our public IP, to know the password we can access
This is the IP we are going to enter in the IPv4 field.
7th Point - IPv6: This is the field for IPv6.