In this tutorial we will explain the procedure to correctly configure an SC011 controller with T5/M5 devices through the Crosschex software. To do this, the connection between the Anviz T5 / M5 terminals and the controller must first be made.
To do this, first restore the device to factory settings, following the order as shown in the following picture:
Once this process is done, the device must be restarted, it will ask for the Enrroll card (when LED flashes green) and then the Detele card (when LED flashes red). With this, the device is reset to factory settings and you can work with it in a normal way.
A user is added as usual through the device.
(As a reminder, the Enrroll card + Fingerprint/card + Fingerprint/card + Enrroll card + Enrroll card is swiped).
In the Crosschex, the terminal is added via both USB and TCP/IP, and the date and time synchronization is carried out. Then click on Device parameters again, as in previous steps, but change the Wiegand mode and set "Wiegand Anviz", as shown below:
When the SC011 is connected to the device, PROGRAM is set to ON and a valid fingerprint/card is swiped (the one entered previously). The SC011 then beeps to confirm the connection. PROGRAM is set to OFF and the controller is fully linked to the device, thus activating the relay.