If when you try to update an Anviz device, such as the C2PRO or the W1 for instance, you get a firmware error, there is a forced update method.
Updating via USB
In the update section of the terminal, press IN+12345+OUT , a forced update message will appear and the firmware will be loaded after pressing OK.
Updating via webserver
The update of these terminals in forced mode may be required if the usual update by USB gives us some kind of error or if it is necessary by manufacturer's indication. When it comes to update it, we will have to follow these steps.
1. Download the firmware of the terminal by sending an email request to sat@visiotechsecurity.com indicating the model of the device and its current version
2. Enter the web environment of the terminal, the first access will show us a screen like the following one
What we will do first is to change index by up with which we will enter in another environment of the equipment, where the password that we will indicate will be IN12345OUT
3. Once saved we will return to the previous environment of the equipment and we will access Advance Setting
In the Firmware Upgrade section we will select the firmware that we will have downloaded in the PC:
Once the upgrade is finished, check that the version is the one we have loaded.
In new models like the FACEPASS7PRO instead of changing INDEX by UP you will have to put the following. IPDEVICE/index.html#/up
For more information follow the guide in the following link.