There is no coverage or range of CO2 meters, that is, they will measure the air that reaches you, so it is important where to put it. Let's say it's the same as a thermometer, which also doesn't have a coverage radius, but we know that if we put it on top of the radiator it will give more temperature than the real thing, because this is similar, if you install it next to the open window it will give you very low data. It should be installed in an area that is considered neutral, or very close to the ventilation of people (we recommend about 2 meters away from anyone), or stick to the ceilings, as it is denser than air and tends to go down to the ground.
Ideally, it should be installed at medium height and in a neutral zone (where people are not on top of it and where there are draughts), and it is not suitable for very large rooms, as there can be a lot of difference in the air, in which case the ideal would be to place 2.
For example:
- Cases where only one CO2 meter can be used: School classrooms, offices, small offices, bars
- Cases where it is advisable to use more than one detector: University classrooms, large offices without walls, waiting rooms in large hospitals