In general, any X-Security camera that has the mjpg format in the secondary stream is valid, but sometimes the default access may not be activated.
The direction to use to access the settings is as follows:
http://"ip local camera"/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&Telnet.Enable=true
The first step is to activate the mjpg in the secondary flow:
Remember that X-Security and Dahua allow multi-access, that is, several connections at the same time.
This is the address to access the stream as long as it is not through Internet Explorer (the bold parts are fixed, the normal color parts must be modified according to the network):
http://"user":"password"@"ip":"web port"/cgi-bin/mjpg/video.cgi?subtype=1
If you need to do an image capture this would be the sequence, this is useful for web pages, timing this string and receiving an image every x time.